Black Survival

Black Defense Afirmation Day- July 13

This post is in conjunction with fellow blogger Cree. She uploaded a post today entitled Black Defense Affirmation Day. This is her post:

July 13 is the day the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman verdict was announced. I consider the not guilty verdict a WAKE UP call to all black people worldwide. It’s seems to me a message was being sent. Was anyone listening?? I hope so. We need to learn how ro protect ourselves and our families. We need to have weapons and learn some type of self defense. We need to be prepared for any type of assault on us. We do NOT want to be siting ducks. Which is what a lot of us are at the moment. Learning how to defend ourselves is nothing new. We have been doing it for thousands of years. Here is a great video by Ashra Kwesi. This video is from a tour out in Kemet(Egypt). He talks about how the martial arts have been in Africa a very long time.

Everybody believes today that Martial Arts come mainly from China and Japan. However that is not true, the origin of all self-defense systems comes from Kemet now called Egypt around 50,000 years ago.

The Kemetans(Egyptians) used many forms of what today called martial arts, which consist of three levels, spiritual, mental, and physical.

The definition of “Martial” means-Roman god of war.

The Kemetians (Egyptian’s) call this system Montu, which is an African defense system.Thissystem was not made for “War” purposes because we had no enemies, it was made because we were putting our power away, and allowing the negative with an intelligence to rule. In putting our power away we started using the hands, which before 50,000 years ago we were not(more on this subject at a later date).

Montu Art form encompassed all forms and levels of self-defense from, the spiritual, mental, down to the physical such as using the fist, chops, flips, throws, takedowns, grappling, ground fighting, joint locks, choke holds, sticks, weapons.

Many masters studied in the Kemetian (Egyptian) universities and temples. These Masters taught their sons and those sons taught their sons. The lineage came all the way down to Masters such as Master Tomo, from what is now called Northern Africa, Bodhi Dharma from what is now called India travelled thru many lands sharing the spiritual, mental, and physical sciences of Montu (martial arts) art form.

The Nuba’s who live in the highlands of the Sudan practice the Montu art form.

Now there are martial arts in many other countries from this lineage. Thus there is a martial art from Vietnam: Viet-Vo-Dao, we also have an Art even less known to us, the Vajra-Mukti just India that existed 1500 years BC-AD.

In Chinathe Shaolin Monks constructed there first monastery. This monastery is built on the summit of Mount Chao-Che in the province of Ho-Nan.Ilis ideally located overlooking them because the main road that runs through China. It is also close to many water sources.

To protect against the wind, very violent at the summit, the monks decide to plant trees (which was revolutionary for its time). The temple is known as: the young forest, or Chao-Lin in Chinese.

Later, the monks erected a wall of 3 km in circumference to protect themselves from any attack.

Always to protect themselves, the monks will plant a forest of bamboo they regularly sharpen razor, hoping that their attackers could not cross them.

But the patriarch was not convinced of the effectiveness of this passive protection, so he decided to hire two experts in unarmed combat they taught their art to his monks. Thus, in case of attack, the monks could repel the aggressors out of the monastery.

In Japan the Imperial Japanese government encouraged immigrants to develop the country. Indeed, immigrants made weaving, pottery, blacksmithing … Along with production technology and the performing arts, all were booming.

Thus Kugutsu, specialized in mobile entertainment, immigrated to Japan. They excelled at archery, horse riding, hunting, handling the knife. They were also capable, they say, in transforming the Silver Sand (magician) and make puppets live (illusionist).

The Kugutsu representations are called Sangakus. These shows, very complete, include a number of dancing, music, magic, but also said to be energy exercises.

To perform these exercises, the nomads had to be very strong physically and mentally to control their bodies. They therefore developed a specific training to enable them to achieve their numbers of great feats. It is from these exercises that will train warriors in Martial Arts.