Racism in the Heartland – Valley News Live – KVLY/KXJB – Fargo/Grand Forks

Monday night on 6:30 Point of View on KX4, host Chris Berg invited Jeff Schoep, a leader with the National Socialist Movement, Prairie Rose Seminole, a cultural advisor for a local hospital, and Leon Francis, the president of the North Dakota Tea Party, for an in-depth discussion on white supremacy, the situation in Leith, ND, and the question: "Can racism ever be erased from our society?"

Schoep took questions on his organization's plans for the town of Leith, his beliefs and motivations, and his take on the concept of an American melting pot.

Below are some excerpts of the conversation that occurred on Monday's show. You can watch the discussion in its entirety by clicking the video above.

Chris: "Let's be frank, I want to get to the root of this. Whites were not brought here as slaves. Andrew Jackson created a bill calling the Indian removal act wanting to remove them from this country. You said this country was built buy white people, for white people. If that's the case why would I deny myself civil rights. You say you are a white activist what are you fighting for?"

Schoep: "Basically for the rights of white people in this country. We have treaties that were designed so the Indians could have their sovereign land and sovereign territories. We respect the rights ever treaties of what came before us. But as far as our fight and our struggle is concerned, here you have affirm active action that gets special privileges, people of various races and. That needs to be completely abolished. You have a country that is popping boarder's wide open and letting people come here from the third world and our economy is in shambles. Those are just a few."

Racism in the Heartland - Valley News Live - KVLY/KXJB - Fargo/Grand Forks.
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