If corporations are people, what kind of people are they?




1. Corrupt

2. Greedy

3. Never Satisfied

4. Self Centered

5. Ultra Ambitious; Slit their own grandmother's throat to get ahead

6. Conniving

7. Manipulative

8. Scheming

9. Abusive

10. Vindictive

11. Exploitative

12. Slave Driver Mentality

13. User

14. Can't Be Trusted

15. Liars

Judging by my experience working for Wingspan Portfolio Advisors, I would say this says it all.
Capitalism is a demonic system that has done nothing but enrich the few off of the backs of the many. 90% of all the world's resources are controlled by less than 20% of the world's population. The rivers, streams, and fertile lands are all owned and controlled by the few. 
Those resources God meant for everyone to enjoy are only enjoyed by the few. Money and Power and Greed has driven men to exploit people far and wide. Take the factory collapses in Bangladesh which seem to be occurring daily now. The POOR are dying. The POOR are being sent to die in wars which are largely fought over oil and resources. Not the rich. 
Usury is Evil. Interest is Evil. Capitalism cannot thrive without a large class of indebted, utterly poor, impoverished individuals. The rich make their money off the backs of the poor. They always have. If Capitalism was so wonderful, why are the rich getting richer while the poor, many of whom work extremely hard, are only getting poorer?
Rich men, the powerful and well connected, the heads of these massive corporations that we worship in this country, all have the mark of Satan. The Banks have the mark of Satan. The Federal Reserve has the mark of Satan. They all carry the mark of the Beast. The New World Order. The invention of Social Security Numbers  tie us forever to our debt. Socials are used to monitor every action we take to escape our debt. To escape our current station in life. The Social Security numbers were a creation of a "Capitalistic Government". The Social Security Numbers keep more people "IN" their station in life, than allowing those to escape their station in life. Socials can bar them from ever escaping. 
As an American I can't get a damn job without a social security number. No employer will hire me. However, I find it intriguing that these very same companies that will bar me without a social are shipping thousands of jobs overseas to people who have never had a social. They are forever on the search for dirt cheap labor. They are forever looking for ways to "Exploit" the labor pool and resources within their reach. Capitalism is about EXPLOITATION. The two go hand in hand.
It is pretty much impossible barring some tremendous talent or stroke of luck for one to escape extreme poverty to rise into the classes of the rich and powerful. The doors are closed shut except to the privileged few.
Every oppressive system has its benefactors. Capitalism is no exception.