The management at Wingspan Portfolio Advisors had promoted one black female into management out of dozens of management positions which were ALL held by white males. I guess this was to show that they were not racist. But they "WERE" racist. Very racist indeed.
I am not one to quickly yell racism. I never have been. With the type of mind I have I instinctively look for reasons to refute racism. So you say you were fired? Well, what did "YOU" do? Did you report to work on time? Did you do the job as requested? Did you meet your numbers? etc..
However, I came to the conclusion that Wingspan Portfolio Advisors was indeed a racist company ran by racist managers after I saw time and time again white coworkers who seem to half heartedly do their jobs and who were open about their "lack" of qualifications get promoted time and time again over higher qualified blacks.
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Older Black Women Face Age Discrimination At Wingspan Portfolio Advisors |
Wingspan would time and time again overlook flagrant violations of workplace policies committed by white coworkers and suddenly I would hear about these same people being promoted.
There were two sets of rules. One for the white workers and one for the black workers.
It was soon apparent through the terminations that would take place at Wingspan that doing the job just wasn't enough. It simply wasn't. I saw black workers who did good jobs and who had been "Employees of the Month" and who were known for working every overtime hour and who had never missed a day and were consistently staying to finish the work when all others had left be terminated. Over anything. They just didn't seem to be able to catch a break.
While I was seeing this, I also saw white coworkers, many of whom hold Director and Manager titles to this day get transferred from job to job to job until they found one they could do and they would like. When you read the various reports of employees that litter the web this is one main complaint. How Wingspan Portfolio Advisors would create jobs for certain people. Individuals who are "Vice Presidents" yet they have no employees under them and no other responsibilities other than to give the occasional meeting about nothing really.
I saw folks who failed at several jobs and instead of being walked out they had positions created.
Now Steven Horne can run his business howsoever he chooses, however I take exception with the constant barrage of LIES we were told everyday in meetings about how hard work could lead to career advancement. That just wasn't the case at Wingspan Portfolio Advisors. I had simply seen to many minority employees come to work and work like mules only to be terminated out the blue when the work died off.
Not laid off. But TERMINATED.
Wingspan was a DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY company and it stepped on people and lied to people and mislead people in a way I have NEVER seen any other company do which is one of the reasons for this blog which is to Alert the Public.
Blacks at Wingspan caught it worse than anyone. Actually, black people caught it worse than EVERYONE.
Especially black WOMEN.
The younger black women, those who had not been chosen by Wingspan to serve the role of promoting the "illusion" of diversity and fairness at Wingspan were routinely fired out the blue. No reason or frivolous reasons.
Although Black men had it a little better, they didn't have it much better. They too were routinely walked out over anything.
Yet the most heartbreaking thing I saw at Wingspan was how older black women were treated. They were treated the worse. And they were the hardest workers. Out of everyone in the building these women didn't bullshit. They got the job done. Many were the only breadwinners in their households. Many where raising grandkids, etc.
I could see how management would snap at these women. I could see how management would walk by looking at these women. I noticed. I watched "everything".
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Older Black Women Face Higher Termination Rates Than Other Groups Due to a Combination of Age and Race Discrimination. |
One day I can distinctively remember hearing "disdain" in the voice of manager Melanie Pellegrino when she spoke to one of my coworkers who was an older black woman. The woman, probably in her 50's, was a good worker. Her work was always turned in on time. Error free. Yet it was HER. She was black. Strike #1. She was a woman. Strike #2. And she was OLD. Strike # 3.
I clearly heard disdain. I know disdain and repulsion when I hear it.
Later on that day, I caught this lady to herself and asked her if she was saving money. She was clueless as to why I was asking her this. Yet she said she had saved a little. I told her to save. To save as much as she could. Quickly. To pay off all of her recurring bills, such as her cell phone, utilities, etc.
I have always been able to feel things before they happen.
I spoke to her in a hushed tone of voice because I didn't want anyone to hear me. However, when I finished speaking to her, lo and behold, a manager had pushed himself into a nearby corner and he heard every word I had said. He was just standing still. Trying not to move. I rounded the corner and saw him. I couldn't believe he was that damn nosy.
Later that day she was fired.
For something. They always find something. I can't even remember the reason why. Wingspan Portfolio Advisors had terminated every older black female that was there. Every single one. And again, the younger ones didn't fair much better.
But the purpose of this is simply to say Wingspan Portfolio Advisors not only discriminates against minorities due to racial biases held by their management, it also discriminates against older minorities. They get hit harder than others through the discrimination.
After I heard about her being fired, I thought about another coworker of mine who was also in her 50's. Wingspan's management fucked with this lady so much (sorry for the profanity) that when they finally fired her and escorted her outside the doors she passed out. She fell right outside the doors and broke several of her items. It was particularly cruel how they treated her as well. The management there would set you up to fail. They would either deny you work and then terminate you for failing to turn in enough work or they would constantly send your work back and back and back when all other times your work had been fine. When several people had looked over your work..
And then they would terminate you for failing to do the job or so they would say. Those dirty bastards completely made up reasons to terminate certain employees. I have posted another article on this blog, not far under this one, that I borrowed from CBS News Website where an HR Director speaks directly about how minority women who do the job well get terminated by racist managers for Bullshit reasons and the Site host's advice to her (the HR Director) was to stand firm and not bulge.
This happens a lot. More than people are aware of and probably more than most white folks would even want to believe.
So if you are an older black woman (Wingspan has NO older black women 50 or above as they have terminated them all) be advised that this is not the place you want to be as they age discriminate (on top of discriminating by race) as no place I have ever seen. Nor hope to see again.