Wingspan Portfolio Advisors contracted for Bank of America and now JP Morgan. Managers Melanie Pellegrino, Justin Belter, Kevin Conn, David Payne, and Jason Dickard acted negligently, forcing Americans to lose their homes. Wingspan Portfolio Advisors also discriminated against minorities in Hiring, Pay and Promotions and were sued for discrimination. Mgrs. referred to Blacks as "Niggers" and "Roaches". It's my belief Wingspan and BOA are complicit in the largest Mortgage Fraud in U.S. History.
Dr. Boyce Watkins Slams The most racist hip-hop song in America - "The Coco"
The Video promotes drug use, and drug selling (illegal activity) amongst young black men. It's the last thing we need right now as black people. Dr. Boyce Watkins is right. The video has millions of views. This is PSYCHOLOGICAL GENOCIDE. A plantation mentality where even during the colonial days, when racist whites want to take over a territory they always hire 'black overseers' (with a white man in the background calling the shots) to help pull off black oppression and black genocide. The record label is owned by 'Busta Rhymes'.