White Prejudice In Texas Increasingly Keeping Qualified Blacks Out of Good Jobs

Texas is known for having a great job market and there is no contesting the fact that it has great job growth, even though the bulk of jobs created here are low wage and offer no benefits. However, no one ever speaks about the racism here. I've lived in Texas for several years now in the Dallas, Fort Worth area (supposedly a very liberal city politically, however certainly not within the corporate sector)  and I am a college educated black man. There are opportunities here for blacks. I am not disputing that. However, the majority of African Americans, as are Latinos, are over-represented in low paying, although highly secure, government jobs. This is due in large part, in my opinion, to the racial element that is so apparent here within Corporate America. I have worked in corporate America in the Dallas, Fort Worth area and I am sickened by how minorities are treated. Blacks especially, regardless of their qualifications, are overlooked for positions of increased authority and often skipped for promotions regardless of their qualifications. Whereas white guys with similar qualifications are quickly spearheaded onto manager tracks and executive positions. Blacks often are casually dismissed from the job for little to no reason by white males in authority, whereas again, white men and women enjoy far greater job security.

Their is also a great disparity in the pay here in Texas. If you have read certain other posts I have written about, I make no bones about my anger in encountering blacks who do the same job as whites but for far less pay. I have seen this in every single position I have held in this state. 

The blacks who are able to rise above the racial disparities do so because of either strong networks within this state/DFW area (normally from having been raised here and having large extended families and church communities here that bring access to extra opportunities) or they are transferred into this state from usually Northern States where they were able to obtain executive positions.

However, for the vast majority of black people in this state the opportunities for "upward mobility" are very slim compared to those enjoyed by white people.

For this reason I am highly considering relocating from the State of Texas to possibly Maryland or the D.C. area. There are few black executives within the corporations I have worked for. A few times there were NO black executives. According to the very popular D Magazine article "Why Young Black Professionals Are Wary of Dallas" it seems that many other educated African Americans share my concerns as to the lack of black executives within the corporate sector. Seeing so few African Americans in executive positions we have been sent the message  "we" African Americans can only go so far. Frankly I am tired of doing the same work as whites for less pay and opportunities for advancement. I have heard that Maryland, D.C. and other areas of the country offer far more advancement opportunities for African Americans and I am studying the possibilities of a move.

Texas is not a bad place to live if one can secure a means to "adequately" support themselves and their families. However, there is too much push back by whites in positions of authority here to blacks making more than $13 to $14 per hour. This has led to many African Americans with great qualifications taking positions far under their skill-sets in the government sector because of the lack of opportunity elsewhere. These positions offer security, but the standard of living they are afforded is far less than what they should settle for. Unfortunately many African Americans in this state do just that. They learn to settle for less.

I have seen too many whites that lack even a basic formal education in this state be able to easily advance into the executive level of companies that they work for. Education certainly is not "everything" when considering who to promote as I am certain some people will say when they come across this post, however, not only do many African Americans I personally know hold degrees within their fields, they also have wonderful work ethics but still they are not rewarded to the same extent as whites.

I understand that there is nothing I can personally do about the entrenched racism within this city/state as I am just one person. This system of white supremacy and domination within the private sector was put in place by men far before I was ever born. The system of black "subordination" ensuring blacks would be at the bottom of the totem pole within these companies was too. The racism is so prevalent here that there could never be enough lawsuits filed that would end it. Those with the power and who control the doors of "access" simply don't want to share the status and wealth with blacks.

I'm either going to be stuck in a position far under my skillset (which won't happen) or I've got to go elsewhere to chase opportunity. I have chosen the latter.

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