Black people, all over the world, have been victimized and exploited for cheap and free labor; from the Americas throughout the Middle East. We have built up nothing for ourselves. We have only built the dreams of others.
The entire world is under a system of white supremacy. White Supremacy is alive and well. When I say white supremacy, I am specifically in this case referring to the belief that blacks are inherently inferior and therefore nothing more than chattel slaves to be exploited and used for the benefit of others.
The belief that blacks should not have equal pay for equal work.
This belief is alive and well the world over, from here in Texas where I am located to various countries throughout our world.
Black people are to easily divided. The black men too easy to pull away from their communities, their women and families, by money and white women. This leaves the entire black community vulnerable to the exploits of those who wish to exploit us. Exploitation is what happens to the vulnerable.
Employers will offer us close to nothing. Mistreat us. Cities, towns and municipalities will use systems of entrapment against us, to further erode our confidence and our abilities to break their yoke of enslavement.
We are completely vulnerable.
And this is by design. However, we can break that design. Deny those who would wish to entrap and exploit us success by pulling together, pooling our resources, and helping one another.